Wagner Business Solutions, LLC

Your premiere partner for tailor-made business solutions.  

Why are you here?

You as a business owner have likely noticed the shift towards ecommerce and consumer tracking trends through various data management practices. 

Together we can review your current data management & consumption methods to better position you against your competitors. 

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

The problem with auto-generated reports

Most POS payment solutions will provide a suite of reports free of charge for using their service. There are two main issues with these reports: they’re under-utilizing your data and your competition is at least using the same reports. In order to stay competitive, you have to be self aware and hungry to grow. 

Success in 3 steps

The following steps represent our cyclical approach to defining, visualizing, and interpreting business functions


Design a data model. Our first step involves a discussion around all of the inputs you have to your current business. We will knit them all together in a clean and logical manner that will make sure you can keep up with the prospect of rapid growth and expansion. 


Model your data. Once your data is aligned and clean, it’s time to review what all has been put together. We will discuss what parts of your business are critical to your success and develop custom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  


Analyze your business.  At this stage, you will have the ability to dive in and review every aspect of your business. This may result in agreement on the dashboard providing a great pulse on the health of your business or it could bring up new questions. It’s always an adventure! 

Contact us!

If you’d like to see if we’re a good match for each other, reach out and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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